BLB News

SMSFs and derivatives - a potential diversification option


Investing in derivatives has been one of the popular investment options for savvy investors. As the ATO has been posing the question to some SMSF trustees whether their investments are appropriately diversified, do derivatives provide legitimate diversification opportunities for SMSFs? Jeff Song considers the options.

New testamentary trust law


New law closes loophole on Favourable Tax Treatment of Income from Testamentary Trusts. Jonathan See explains.

Who Gets the TV Remote Control? Live-in Aged Carer Issues


With many baby-boomers dreading the prospect of going into an old-folks home, house-sharing may look like the answer. Peter Townsend advises great caution.

Life's too serious


Never ask a doctor or a lawyer for free advice

How to Properly Document SMSF COVID-19 Rent Relief


When an SMSF and its tenant have agreed to reduce the rent, how should the SMSF properly implement and document the rent relief? Jonathan See considers the issues.