BLB News

Can a company execute a document electronically under the Corporations Act?


Electronic execution of documents is bedevilling lawyers across the country because of the complex interweaving of various statutes and the common law - Elizabeth Wang looks at the situation.

Is your SMSF the next Donald Trump?


The current U.S. President used to be a property developer. Many SMSFs want to follow in his footsteps. Unfortunately they're a lot more hamstrung in doing so than he was. Jeff Song elaborates.

How to Properly Document SMSF COVID-19 Rent Relief


When an SMSF and its tenant have agreed to reduce the rent, how should the SMSF properly implement and document the rent relief? Jonathan See considers the issues.

All Landmark Cases Ain't Landmark: the Marsella Case Revisited


With the demand for content in the Information Age there is often such an eagerness to interpret court judgments and their breadth of possible implications that there is a risk of hyperbole in excited comments on what is an otherwise context-specific application of legal principle. Jim Townsend explains.

Life's too serious


In light of the Commonwealth government's bungled figures on how much they'll spend on JobKeeper ...