BLB News

Does your SMSF need to take out life insurance?


Trustees of SMSFs must not forget their duty to consider life insurance for their members. Peter Townsend summarises.

Intermediary LRBA: Super's Change-of-Life Baby.


Despite all the criticism of LRBA's the ATO has seen fit to give the industry a change-of-life baby in the form of the new intermediary LRBA - Jeff Song elaborates.

Two's Company, Three Takes a Court Decision


A son sues his mother for part of his father's estate even though there's no money in the estate. Why? Jim Townsend untangles the web

Life's too serious


At the end of the financial year we think about our accountant, so ...

The King is Dead - Long Live the Director: Succession Planning for Private Companies


For those wanting to ensure that a particular family member becomes the director of a family company when the current director passes, it's a minefield - Peter Townsend explains.